Thursday, November 9, 2017

Notice: Only 1% of Adults Are Getting Enough Omega 3's

Omega-3s: Despite knowing the benefits, as few as 1% of adults get enough      

From Deanna:  I fortify my Omega 3 blood level concentration by taking Usana's BiOmega fish oil supplement daily, which contains a concentrated dose of two important Omega-3 fatty acids - EPA and DHA to support healthy cellular function through out the body. 
Omega 3 fatty acids are shown to be effective in supporting cognitive health and brain function.


In spite of adequate knowledge about food sources and a belief that omega-3 fatty acids are important for health, very few adults have omega-3 blood levels in the range necessary to provide cardiovascular support.

A new cross-sectional study conducted in U.S. and German adults compared typical diet and knowledge about omeg
a-3 fatty acids with the omega-3 index. The omega-3 index (O3-I) is a red blood cell-based biomarker associated with cardiovascular disease risk. Optimum status for minimizing risk is >8%, with 4-8% considered intermediate risk, and <4% being at high risk.

More than half of adults could correctly identify food sources of omega-3s and believed that omega-3s are beneficial for heart health.
However, the average O3-I in the U.S. was 4.3% and in Germany 5.5%, and nearly 99% of adults were in the intermediate or high risk categories.

Of interest was the fact that about a third of the adults in the intermediate category believed their diet was adequate in omega-3s. But, O3-I concentrations didn’t significantly differ regardless of dietary perceptions.

This study shows that despite being knowledgeable about omega-3s and their importance for health, only about 1% of adults had omega-3 blood level concentrations in the range for cardiovascular disease protection.

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